Friday, December 31, 2010

Entry way and trim work

Today I repainted in the entry way.  It just looked dingy with all of the nicks in the trim paint etc and kept putting off the painting until the children were in bed one night, but, by the time I get children to bed, the last thing that I want to do is start a project, so, today while they were out playing in the snow, I painted trim.  I am really pleased with how it turned out, it makes such a difference to how much cleaner it looks just by getting rid of the nicks.

Since I used the same paint for the trim as the kitchen cupboards, while the paintbrush was out and ready, I also went into the kitchen and touched up the cupboards.  What a difference it makes to get rid of the scuffs and marks.  Now, when the kitchen is clean, it will actually look clean.

Halfway through my project, I realized that I should have taken a "before picture"... I guess I will have to use the one in my mind:)

time: 35 minutes
materials: $0

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From House to Home

I have found that I am really nesting since Alan has been gone.  I want to clean and organize and find ways to have more room and be able to smile when I walk in each room.  I want to feel tranquil and peaceful in each room of the house.  I need to figure out how to keep the rooms organized so that there is never much cleaning that has to be done to keep it feeling clean and good.

On Saturday, I painted the door and painted an old cedar chest that I found at a thrift store.  The cedar chest will hold shoes so that we don't have to have any shoes sitting in the entry way.  Next, I need to take down the decorations in the entry way and reorganize and re-think the entry way.  Decorating for Christmas will provide a good opportunity to take things down and then re-start and revise the entry way look after the Christmas holidays.